Angola companies get more access in oil sector
The regulation of the regimes of Preference and Exclusivity of the Local Content in the oil sector brought more openness for national companies to invest in the sector, specifically in the area of provision of services and goods, said today the technical of the National Oil and Gas Agency (ANPG), Maura Nunes.
Maura Nunes, who is coordinator of the Local Content Centre of the National Oil and Gas Agency (ANPG), said that Angolan companies gained this opening up due to the Petroleum Activities Law (Law no. 10/04, of 12 November).
The Law of Oil Activities, according to the specialist in Local Content, not only opened up possibilities to invest in the oil industry, but also intensified protection and incentives to Angolan businesspeople.
Maura Nunes, who lectured on the topic “Local Content in the oil sector and business opportunities”, at FILDA, also said that national companies go through a certification process directed and supervised by ANPG, which makes the due framework within the scope of the existing Preferential and Exclusive regimes of Local Content in the oil sector.
During his speech at the FILDA2022 conference, the source said that the Preferential system, as the word implies, covered mixed national companies under Angolan law, but with foreign ownership and in the Exclusivity system only 100 percent national companies participate, with no foreign capital.
Maura Nunes noted that the ANPG had been working with national businesspeople via workshops, where they had publicized the necessary procedures for nationals to increasingly increase their participation in the oil sector.